LibJWT Dev
The C JSON Web Token Library +JWK +JWKS
Welcome to LibJWT

Supported Standards

Standard RFC Description
JWT RFC-7519 JSON Web Token
JWA RFC-7518 JSON Web Algorithms
JWS and JWE RFC-7518 Specific types of JWA
JWK RFC-7517 JSON Web Key
JWKS RFC-7517 A set of JWK as an array of "keys"
Throughout this documentation you will see links such as the ones above to RFC documents. These are relevant to that particular part of the library and are helpful to understand some of the specific standards that shaped the development of LibJWT.

Build Prerequisites


One or more of these

  • OpenSSL (>= 1.1.0)
  • GnuTLS (>= 3.6.0)
OpenSSL >= 3.0 is required for JWK and JWKS support


Docs and Source

GitHub Pages

GitHub Repo

Pre-built Packages

LibJWT is available in most Linux distributions as well as through Homebrew.

Build Instructions

With GNU AutoTools:

$ autoreconf -if
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ ../configure
$ make

With CMake:

$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make


If you have libcheck installed, both targets will compile the test suite which you can run using the check target.

Both build systems will auto detect OpenSSL and GnuTLS and use one or both. Each build system has a way to force-enable (error if not found) or force-disable either library. See the Cryptographic Operations section